
My name is Laura Perlin. I appreciate your curiosity about my work.

I came to therapeutic sexuality work through a long and winding process. I’ve had a full-time healing arts practice for over a decade, and have studied and practiced as a massage therapist, herbalist, counselor, yoga teacher, ritualist, and Ayurvedic practitioner. My work has involved teaching, facilitation, events production, and co-founding and running a brick-and-mortar healing arts and events space in San Francisco. My ancestral indigenous traditions have been at the core of my healing arts work: practices like ritual, divination, ancestral reverence, and animism inform my spirituality, professional practice, and daily life.

Decades of inquiry into the relationships between individual, collective, and planetary wellness (and unwellness) led me towards the practice of therapeutic sex work. I believe that experiencing pleasure and fulfillment within ourselves as individuals and being well-loved and relationally nourished is inextricably linked to showing up well within the interconnected web of life on earth. I humbly offer this work as a gesture towards healing that which needs to be mended within the human people.

I have completed levels 1 and 2 of the Surrogate Partner Professional Training with the Surrogate Partner Collective, and am currently enrolled in level 3 of their training, which consists of a multi-year supervised apprenticeship. My mentors in the apprenticeship are Andrew Heartman and Katherine Yeagel.

My Colleagues and Mentors

Other practitioners within the fields of sexuality, trauma, and somatics with whom I currently study, engage, and collaborate are

Eileen Chao

Kai Wu

Linda Thai

More details and writing pertaining to the larger body of my work and life outside of therapeutic sexuality work can be found on my other website.